Silicone 4 Piece Herb Grinder with Pollen Catcher
Nothing is more infuriating than purchasing a grinder and seeing the buildup on our aluminum beauties. With silicone, you don’t have to worry about these issues. Most importantly, you are given access to some of the sharpest blades available on the market without accessing external power sources. A silicone grinder is one of the best that you can get. Don’t do yourself the disservice of cleaning and scraping your current, outdated grinder when a better product is easily available.
Top Herb Grinder Attribute – The Material
The most annoying part of owning any grinder is that you are constantly worried you are not processing your herb finely enough and then shortly after that it is the fact that you are not getting all of your herb – too much of the herb is sticking to the walls and chambers of your grinder. With a silicone grinder you don’t have to worry about either of these issues anymore – you will have at your disposal the very best and the very sharpest products that money can buy. This is important – how often have you found yourself scraping every last piece of glass that you own to squeeze the most of your smoking? How often have you found yourself making sure that your traditional aluminum grinder isn’t ‘hiding’ another hit or two of herb? The difference is amazing and it will be the last thing you think about as you are smoking every lost crumb of herb you grind up without hesitation.
Quick Grinder Specs:
- Razor Sharp Teeth
- 4 Piece Grinder shell of silicone
- 100% silicone pollen catcher
- Silicone provides excellent grip
How to use the Silicone Grinder?
A silicone grinder operates much like any other grinder – you simply place your herb into the top chamber and you then manually manipulate the grinder to process your herb. There will be a pollen catcher to make sure you do not miss the most potent parts of your herb and you will be able to access both separately. The most important aspect is what you will not be doing – you won’t be scraping any of your chambers to make sure that herb or pollen is sticking (and gunking up) any of your grinder. This may seem like something that you do not need but imagine just how much herb you have found building up on your grinder before you finally decide to clean it. Do not underestimate how much trouble this will save you – you will find yourself grinding your herb with ease and not remotely thinking about how difficult it can be to grind your herb without working hard. The sharp blades also allow you the opportunity to put less effort into having to grind your herb for smoking – something we can all get behind.
Maintaining and Cleaning the Silicone Grinder
Generally, this will be the same as any other grinder. The biggest part, however, is that you will be doing less and less cleaning as you go about using your silicone grinder. This may sound strange or otherwise fictitious but this is not the case – a silicone grinder does not need as much maintenance as other types of grinders. Unlike grinders that require batteries, you will maintain the same experience of manually grinding your herb but with the added benefit that you clean less. This isn’t a pipe dream – your hands will thank you for it.
Is the Silicone Grinder for me?
There are thousands of products that claim to make your smoking or vaping experience better. The silicone grinder is different because it isn’t trying to sell you something that it isn’t – this is not a gimmick, this is simply improving upon a tested design. A silicone grinder is not reinventing the wheel. Rather, a silicone grinder is improving upon the wheel. If you were to use a silicone grinder over other manual, normal grinders you would find yourself with more finely chopped herb, better processed pollen, and no need to employ electricity or batteries to be able to get the best experience available. Silicone grinders will carry a slightly greater cost depending on your style, size, and brand but they deliver in ways that traditional aluminum cannot. The most important aspect is whether or not you find yourself constantly trying to scrape and make the most of your precious herb.
Grinder vs Fingers:
No one likes to use their fingers to process their herb. To claim that this is more ‘natural’ or ‘a better process’ is simply denying the obvious benefits of a grinder. A silicone grinder simply takes these benefits and maximizes their potential. To disregard this logic is to deny yourself a significantly better experience.
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