Vape Mouthpiece Tips and Helpful Advice
When thinking about the key components of vaping, one that is often overlooked is the mouthpiece. While mouthpieces typically do not have any fancy features, they play an important role in my making sure your vaping experience is top-notch! They contain the vapor path, which is how vapor gets from the heating chamber or atomizer into your mouth! Given their importance, we wanted to make sure our readers and customers had the best information available in maintaining and troubleshooting mouthpieces. Read below for some useful tips and helpful advice!
Dealing with a Hot Mouthpiece
One of the most common problems vaping enthusiasts face is when the mouthpiece is too hot to comfortably pull a hit from. While this problem is more prevalent in some vape pens than others (for example, dry herb vaporizers are notorious for this issue), there are some tips to follow to make this less of an issue. The biggest is to make sure that from the time you start heating up your device to when you pull a hit, you are being as efficient as possible and only allowing the device to heat when actively being used. The less the device is heating, the less you have to worry about heating transferring from its source up and into your mouthpiece. If you have more than one mouthpiece, you can also just exchange the hot one for the cold one, though you’ll want to be sure you don’t burn yourself in the process!
Rubber Extension Sleeves Are Essential
Another great tool for fighting a hot mouthpiece is to have rubber or silicone extension sleeves. These are inexpensive accessories that make it easy to fight a hot vape. Not only do they increase the distance between your mouth and the heat source, but silicone or rubber don’t easily transfer heat. Even if the mouthpiece has become uncomfortably hot, you may never know if using a silicone or rubber sleeve!
Trouble Getting Vapor
If you have trouble getting vapor, a clogged mouthpiece may be the culprit. If you are using a dry herb vape, you probably just need to clean the mesh metal screen the separates the heating chamber from the vapor path. It may also be possible that a piece of debris has managed to lodge itself into the vapor path. If the vapor path in the mouthpiece is clear, you may have just packed the heating chamber too tightly. Remove a bit of dry herb and see if that doesn’t resolve the issue! Clogs in the vapor path are less common with oil and wax pens, but they can still happen. When they do, they can be tricky to resolve.
Dealing with a Clogged Mouthpiece and Filter Screen
Clogs in a dry herb vape are usually easily resolved. All you need is a wire brush to clean the mesh filter and a pipe cleaner to remove debris in the vapor path. If there is a clog with a wax or oil vape, its harder to clean, as the oil and wax have a chance to harden in the vapor path. If a pipe cleaner does not help with a clog, powering the device on and allowing heat to transfer to the vapor path to melt the substance in question is a great way to unclog it. To prevent it from happening again, keep oil and wax vapes stored upright and don’t overfill wax vape heating chambers.
Cracked or Broken Mouthpiece
Over time, your mouthpiece will begin to degrade. It will eventually crack from long-term use, and it will definitely crack or break if you treat it roughly. However, just because you have a broken mouthpiece does not mean you have to buy an all-new vape. Mouthpieces can usually be replaced at a low cost. In fact, it does not hurt to have spare mouthpieces on hand just in case one breaks and you don’t want to interrupt your vape session!
How to Find the Right Replacement Mouthpiece for Your Vape
Any given vape will have at least one kind of mouthpiece it is compatible with, and most vapes have several options you can choose from. Some vapes even use the same kind of mouthpiece across different models. You can look at pictures to match the mouthpiece you have, or you can shop for spare parts by make and model. If you are having a hard time finding a replacement, reach out to us! We can make sure you get a compatible replacement with the first purchase without having to go through a process of trial and error.